Vážení členové ČAE,
WFOT oslovil ČAE s prosbou o vyplnění co nejvíce dotazníku českými ergoterapeuty ohledně zapojení ergoterapeutů do výzkumu. Vyplnit můžete pokud do výzkumu zapojení jste nebo nejste. Data poslouží WFOTu zjistit jakou podporu by ergoterapeuté potřebovali pro zapojení do výzkumu.
Moc děkujeme za vyplněné dotazníky
Vaše ČAE
Dear Occupational Therapist,
You have received this invitation as you are a member of the Czech Association of Occupational Therapists.
You are invited to participate in a survey exploring the international research engagement of occupational therapists. We are interested in hearing from everyone, whether or not you do research. One of the goals of this survey is to determine what supports are needed to help WFOT members engage in research. Participation in this survey is voluntary.
Professor Mackenzie works at the University of Sydney. This project has received approval from the University of Sydney Human Research Ethics Committee and is supported by WFOT. Your occupational therapy association is distributing the information about this study on behalf of the research group which consists of WFOT members from Europe, North and South America, Africa, and Asia.
Please refer to the embedded Participant Information Statement.
The Qualtricsᵀᴹ link for the on‐line survey in English is: https://sydney.au1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_5p42NdbatFT20bY
Data collected from this survey may help identify issues and barriers for occupational therapists in engaging in research and may help develop resources to support research engagement.
Please respond by 28th February 2025.
Kindest regards,
Professor Lynette Mackenzie
Chief Investigator
Fellow of the Occupational Therapy Australia Research Academy (FOTARA)
Discipline of Occupational Therapy | Faculty of Medicine and Health
Susan Wakil Building | NSW | 2006
T +61 2 9351 9832 | F +61 2 9351 9197